[Ubuntu-PH] newbie pow

Zak Elep zakame at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 06:44:04 UTC 2005

On 10/8/05, Chris-jo Salvatierra <chrisjo.mla2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> there's gyach which i hope i could install...or gaim voice enhanced though
> they say gyach can view as well as broadcast. unluckily, my webcam brand is
> not supported on linux.

There's also ayttm[1] though it was last built using the GTK 1.2 libraries.
Webcam works very well with it....

[1] http://ayttm.sourceforge.net

anyway, i'd like to know if the lug GA at APC is open to the public? and i
> forgot the details..pls. post again. thanks!

It's at http://linux.org.ph/events/2005-10-15


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