[ubuntu-nz] Intro

Matthew McGowan matthew.joseph.mcgowan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 11:11:28 BST 2010

Hi Gordon!

Nice to hear your story.

I have been on Ubuntu since 5.04.  As my first encounter with Linux it
started out as a curiosity and now Ubuntu has all but subsumed XP.

I love the waves of progress and the discussions and everything around
the development process... so much so I discovered python and despite
being a slow leaner, am now quite involved in the Software Center
project!  Even got myself to UDS-M!!!  So its been a super fun ride!

Btw, a while back some dude was after old school Ubuntu CD's... i
meant to get back to that person but inadvertently deleted the emails
in one of my Inbox purges.  So if that person is lurking; i have found
one 5.10 64bit CDROM and a 5.04 AMD64 LiveCD.  They are a bit
scratched up so, YMMV...  If that person is still keen, feel free to
get in touch.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Gordon <gordon at gillan.co.nz> wrote:
> Hi
> Thought I had better introduce myself having just joined.
> Been in NZ 5 years, an ex Pom also ex RN now serving in the RNZN.  When
> not sailing the navies yachts am usually found under one of the 5 Land
> Rovers in the family.
> Also have a home network to look after with 3 teenage children at home,
> with one married and wife staying with us and also eldest daughters
> fiance.
> Been working with computers since the early 80s, started on a MicroVax
> cluster, early PCs as in 8086 at 8MHz!, wrote my MSC disertation in
> WP5.1 and Harvard Graphics for DOS!  Went through all the flavours of
> windows including NT 3 network admin growing into mixed with win 95,
> then 2000.  By XP after service packs took something that ran on a 486
> with 64MB of ram to something that barely ran on a IGHz pc with 1GB of
> RAm, started looking at options.  Ubuntu was at 7.04 and after first try
> been hooked since.  Writing this on 10.04, have both daughters and
> dauhter-in-law on it as well.  Wife was forced to try but rebelled as
> could not cope with evolution cos it was not exactly like Outlook, she
> now got Win 7 thats dieing as media player doesnt any longer.
> Hapily use Ubuntu for almost everything, only thing I have not yet found
> for it is a maritime navigation package for when out on the yachts, keep
> an old laptop that dual boots with XP for that.  Tend to learn by trying
> using Google and the forums etc to guide me.
> Regards
> Gordon
> --
> ubuntu-nz mailing list
> ubuntu-nz at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-nz


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