[ubuntu-nz] Intro
gordon at gillan.co.nz
Thu Aug 5 09:33:46 BST 2010
Thought I had better introduce myself having just joined.
Been in NZ 5 years, an ex Pom also ex RN now serving in the RNZN. When
not sailing the navies yachts am usually found under one of the 5 Land
Rovers in the family.
Also have a home network to look after with 3 teenage children at home,
with one married and wife staying with us and also eldest daughters
Been working with computers since the early 80s, started on a MicroVax
cluster, early PCs as in 8086 at 8MHz!, wrote my MSC disertation in
WP5.1 and Harvard Graphics for DOS! Went through all the flavours of
windows including NT 3 network admin growing into mixed with win 95,
then 2000. By XP after service packs took something that ran on a 486
with 64MB of ram to something that barely ran on a IGHz pc with 1GB of
RAm, started looking at options. Ubuntu was at 7.04 and after first try
been hooked since. Writing this on 10.04, have both daughters and
dauhter-in-law on it as well. Wife was forced to try but rebelled as
could not cope with evolution cos it was not exactly like Outlook, she
now got Win 7 thats dieing as media player doesnt any longer.
Hapily use Ubuntu for almost everything, only thing I have not yet found
for it is a maritime navigation package for when out on the yachts, keep
an old laptop that dual boots with XP for that. Tend to learn by trying
using Google and the forums etc to guide me.
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