[ubuntu-nz] New Co-ordinator needed

Nate Walker nate at kiwinewt.geek.nz
Tue Jul 10 00:57:58 BST 2007

I would be happy to volunteer for the cd/sticker distribution role. As I 
am rarely (if ever :S ) on the IRC channel, I think it would be 
pointless for me to volunteer for the others.

Brenda Wallace wrote:
> from discussions on the irc channel, the job involves (delegating) things 
> like:
>  * CD + sticker distribution 
>  * some "shut up you troll" work.
>  * voluntelling people to do stuff.
>  * irc channel moderating.
> This role has been filled by Craig Box for some time now (someone tell me how 
> long?). 
> so - folks - volunteer yourself already.

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