Obtaining Edgy Eft disks

Craig Box craig at dubculture.co.nz
Thu Sep 28 21:05:12 BST 2006

Sorry, I didn't understand the need for the question until I'd read the

> "Shipit plans announced
> Canonical COO Jane Silber has announced the plan for ShipIt, once Edgy 
> has been released. The current plan is to continue to ship Ubuntu 
> 6.06 LTS, due to it being a long supported release, while Ubuntu 6.10 
> (Edgy Eft) will be available for download only. Approved LoCo teams 
> can request 6.10, however, and will be sent out a large bundle of CDs 
> to distribute, as well as distributors that can further spread the 
> Ubuntu message. [...]"
> So my question again is - are there plans afoot for Ubuntu-NZ to 
> obtain a bulk quantity of Edgy disks for NZ distribution or can I be 
> vested with authority to order a box or two for local distribution?

>From https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoFAQ

What is the difference between approved and non-approved LoCo teams?

An approved team is a team that is fully up and running, has the
required resources set up and has met the approval of JonoBacon or
MatthiasUrlichs and the Ubuntu Community Council. As such, you can see
approved teams as teams with a proven track record. Non-approved teams
are typically teams that are still forming and if they continue to
develop into a strong team, they will get approved status too. 

So, I believe this is an excellent goal, but we have to become
"approved" first.

How do we get approved?  We show Jono and Matthias that we're active,
interested, and ready to make a difference!

Now's a good time to remind everyone that we have an IRC channel,
#ubuntu-nz on the Freenode network, and joining there is a good way to
get involved and help us grow.


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