[ubuntu-nz] Welcome to the Ubuntu NZ LoCo list

Rene Bartosh kirjava at hblug.org.nz
Mon Oct 2 10:49:57 BST 2006

On 25/09/06, Craig Box <craig at dubculture.co.nz> wrote:
> (Please don't feel like your introductions, should you choose to make
> one, have to be equally longwinded :)

Here goes...

Hi, I am Rene and I have been using Linux for around 3 years now, and
Ubuntu for about 2 of those. I live in Hawkes Bay and therefore are
involved with the HBLUG (which seems to favour Ubuntu as the distro of
choice for newbies).

I use Ubuntu on my desktop (for desktop-type things + samba
fileserver) and also on my server (bind dns, apache, asterisk pbx) and
am planning on using it along with mythtv as a DVB PVR when the new
digital TV service is launched here in NZ.

I think we have a great opportunity here for promotion of Ubuntu on a
national level, and a great framework for distribution and support on
a LUG and even individual level all around the country - it's like we
have a local "branch" (for want of a better term) in most areas...




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