[ubuntu-np] Query regarding Ubuntu by new member

Subir Pradhanang subirbp at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 10:12:45 BST 2010

Hi Grishma,

I am forwarding your message to the mailing list. Hope your queries
would be answered by the list members.


"Hello fellas, i just had this ubuntu installed in my CQ40
laptop,,,,but it seems to me that all the features have not been
installed.like it does not play videos and play songs,,,,,,,,,,it
recommends me to download plugins but it does not allow to connect to
wireless connections,,,,,,,,,,,the button that turns blue when pressed
does not turn blue and hence no networks are detected. i hope u guys
might be a great help,,,,,looking for ur help if u need any further
details of my problem please feel free to contact bye "


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