the ubuntu-np logo

Bikal KC bikal at
Fri Apr 18 13:40:47 BST 2008

Rajiv wrote:
> hi all,
> several days earlier, i posted this on fossnepal mailing list,
> *"its great to hear about ubuntu nepal team n its formation. (although it's
> been quite a while)
> U guys have asked for logo but nobody seems to be posting their ideas.
> So, i decided to give in some (if the logo is not still finalized)
> The logo description( Sorry, that i'm being too lazy to draw a logo n
> instead describing it)
> -the background all red
> -the circle (or the hands of ubuntu logo) in blue
> -the three heads (of ubuntu logo) in white
>   -->of the three heads, one simple circle, the other two chandra n surya of
> nepali flag
>       (my personal fav be top one chandra n the bottom right one surya)
> how's that for a logo (if it's not already too late).
> if the desc. is not clear enough, do let me know.* "
> And after that Suraj came up with great logo. yesterday i had a lil chat
> with 'boka' on #ubuntu-np.
> and he suggested to post my logo proposal as well (its almost like the one
> in the ubuntu-np wiki.)
> So, here's attached the digital version of my concept.
> Regards,
> Rajiv
> p.s. sorry boka, u asked me to post the logo on the wiki, but i'm doin it
> here. hope that's not a blunder  (:o

Nope that's ok :-)

Great logo Rajiv! :-)

Fellas a small reminder meeting @ 9 PM NST! Have 
some agendas ready and meet all the members!! :-)

Also, we have a wiki ->

  cheers :-)
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