Ubuntu Nordic - Hello, anyone out there?
Christoffer Holmstedt
christoffer.holmstedt at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 10:55:50 UTC 2011
Hi again
Great to know that there are at least a few active Ubuntu members out
there in the nordic countries. Hopefully we can make something out of
it the upcoming year and beyond.
God Jul och Gott Nytt År! =)
Best regards
Christoffer Holmstedt
2011/12/14 Rubén Romero y Cordero <huayra at ubuntu.com>:
> Hi Christoffer and Søren,
> I will answer inline
> On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Søren Bredlund Caspersen
> <soeren.b.c at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Christoffer
> [...]
>> Unfortunately here in Denmark our activity hasn't been as high the
>> last one (or two) years has it used to be. Especially our physical
>> meetings and real life Launch Parties haven't been very happening.
>> My hope is that we will kick back into action with the coming 12.04 release
> [...]
> Norway has a similar situation. We know that we need to get up and
> running, but have been slow at doing so.
> 12.04 is our chance to get ourselves in the right path again and drive
> our focus to make Ubuntu even more known in our land.
> [...]
>> I don't know what it should be, but if you (or anyone else) have any
>> ideas of possible collaboration between the Nordic LoCo teams do feel
>> free to share :)
> [...]
> As usual, I have a list:
> * Collaborate as one entity towards Canonical and see what we can
> work out. I am specially thinking of access to Press Releases or the
> like before the release itself (a joker card we can play towards the
> local media in every country)
> * Join our efforts for PR and Marketing and act as one unit. As this
> is the first time we will do this, it will be hard and will take a bit
> of our time, but once the foundations are in place it will make it
> easier for us all to do this for later releases (I hope) and have
> greater coverage
> * Common local marketing. If we have, say, 5-10 people per country
> distributing/putting material in different locations in Scandinavia
> (think poles close to public transportation stations or announcement
> boards accross the cities/towns when orienteering ;-) would create a
> lot of visibility all over the place. This is specially true if we
> manage to cover main train and buss stations as well as airports.
> Manage we to connect this to our website(s) and we have a hole in one
> for our parties for 12.04 (oh, I forgot, we should have parties all
> over the place...)
>> Cherrs
>> Søren
>> On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Christoffer Holmstedt
>> <christoffer.holmstedt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> My name is Christoffer Holmstedt and I'm newly elected Team Contact
>>> for the Swedish Ubuntu LoCo Team. I will start of with a presentation
>>> of myself and then some ideas for the future.
> [...]
> Yay, congrats! Happy to see things happening in Sweden and that you
> will be joining the boat :-)
>>> In the Swedish LoCo we have just started our project "svenska
>>> videoguider"(Swedish Screencasts) which will be a returning series of
>>> screencasts for each Ubuntu release with what's new aswell as seperate
>>> series for specific software that comes with Ubuntu. Our general goal
>>> is to showcase what Ubuntu is in the videoformat for thoose that
>>> haven't heard of Ubuntu or are new to Ubuntu. Depending on the success
>>> of this project(and the general activity of our LoCo)
> Do not put all eggs in one bag. And if you do and they break, learn to
> start all over again and put them indifferent basg next time ;-)
> future project
>>> may include testing, triaging and/or development. Suggestions from the
>>> Italien LoCo indicates that ISO testing is a good place to start to
>>> show how everyone can help with the development of Ubuntu.
> Sounds like a good thing which could probably work. A piece of advice:
> start in the small and grow from there.
> A vision of
>>> mine is to follow up with triaging and development(is
>>> ubuntu-nordic-dev still going?).
> I am not sure. Sometimes I wonder if people even reads this threads at all...
>>> I just wanted say hello to all of you out there in the nordic
>>> countries and I hope some of you are still active.
> We are, but we need to work a bit more. In Norway, I believe that we
> will see changes coming the next few weeks regarding our organization
> so we can work towards the 12.04 release.
>>> Best regards
>>> --
>>> Christoffer Holmstedt
>>> Team Contact
>>> Swedish Ubuntu LoCo Team
> Best,
> -
> Rubén Romero
> http://pad.lv/~huayra
> --
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