[Fwd: Feisty translations not yet open]

Jan Claeys ubuntu op janc.be
Do Mrt 8 18:50:05 UTC 2007

Hallo iedereen,

Ik ging kijken om deze week te starten met de vertalingen voor Feisty,
maar blijkbaar wachten we best nog even (zie hieronder).

Van zodra alle "upstream"-vertalingen geïmporteerd zijn zouden we eens
moeten afspreken wie wat gaat vertalen en daar serieus werk van maken.
Daarbij lijkt het mij ook handig als upstream-vertalers die dat willen
hun eigen vertalingen aanvullen of fixen in Rosetta (Launchpad).  Dat
vermijdt ook discussies over de gebruikte termen in vertalingen en zo.

Van zodra ik meer hoor laat ik iets weten...  :)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Matthew Revell <matthew.revell op canonical.com>
To: ubuntu-translators op lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Feisty translations not yet open
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2007 11:04:39 +0000

Hello chaps,

A quick update on Ubuntu Feisty translations.

Please don't translate any Feisty strings until we announce that they're
fully imported.

We began importing templates for Feisty on Wednesday. As there's so much
data, the import takes a few days and should be finished by the end of

Unfortunately, Launchpad now shows Feisty as open for translation and
will even let you view strings and translate them. This is a bug. 

If you translate a package, we may not have imported it yet. This could
lead to duplicate work because the strings may have been changed or
already translated in the new version.

I'm sorry that our mistake has made the opening of Feisty translations
confusing. We will fix this in time for Feisty+1. You can see the bug
we've opened at https://launchpad.net/bugs/88873

As soon as the imports have finished and Feisty is ready to translate,
we'll announce it on this mailing list and The Fridge.

If you have any questions, please email me or join us in #launchpad on

Matthew Revell - talk to me about Launchpad
mrevell in #launchpad, irc.freenode.net

Jan Claeys

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