Developer Membership Board minutes - 2014-01-27

Stefano Rivera stefanor at
Mon Feb 10 11:59:05 UTC 2014

== 2014-01-27 ==

 * Chair: Stefano Rivera
 * Present: Micah Gersten
 * Apologies and avance votes received from: Barry Warsaw, Iain Lane, and Stéphane Graber
 * Log:

=== Review Previous Action Items ===

 * micahg to restructure PPU teams: Teams are restructured, but docs cleanup remains.

=== Tim Lunn for Ubuntu Gnome Packageset ===

 * Approved with 5 votes for, 0 votes against and 0 abstentions.

=== Tim Lunn for MOTU ===

 * Deferred with 2 votes for, 0 votes against and 3 abstentions.
 * We welcome Tim to re-apply for MOTU in a few months, after contributing more widely to the archive. We believe the Ubuntu Gnome packageset and desktop-extra packageset should provide the upload rights currently required.

=== Tim Lunn for desktop-extra packageset ===

 * Approved with 4 votes for, 0 votes against, and 0 abstentions.

=== e-Mail application status ===

 * William Grant: Has a sufficient number of votes, awaiting votes from Scott, and Benjamin.
   * This has been finalized since the meeting occurred.
 * Daniel Pocock: Awaiting votes from Benjamin, Barry, Micah, Scott, Stéphane, and Stefano.
   * This has been finalized since the meeting occurred.
 * Jackson Doak: We need to call for votes.

=== Any other business ===

 * Chair for the next meeting will be ScottK.
 * Restaffing: Initiate an election immediately.


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 461 1230 C: +27 72 419 8559
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