News team processes

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at
Tue Nov 15 18:10:11 UTC 2011

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Daniel Holbach
<daniel.holbach at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Am 15.11.2011 14:54, schrieb Nathan Handler:
>> I hope this helps.
> Thanks a lot for the answers, this was helpful.
> As I would love to work with a similar submission process, I was
> wondering if we
>  - should advertise the process better (only few folks making use of it)

Currently we put all details on how to submit on: (but maybe improvements
can be made here since it's unclear whether people even manage to get
to this page itself).

And in the Feedback section of every issue, eg:

And lately one of us blogs about it at least once per cycle

But I'd say the way we get most contributors is by personally
approaching people throughout the community to participate, both Amber
and I have pulled people from our LoCo teams, and I regularly approach
the Ubuntu Women and Ubuntu Beginners teams for help.

If you have other suggestions for advertising the process we'd be
happy to hear them, but I suspect it's just a tedious job and not many
people want to bother rather than a systematic "I don't know how to
contribute" problem.

>  - could share the infrastructure for both weekly and weekly dev news
> Sharing the resources sounds like not so much a problem if there's few
> folks using them, maybe I could ask people to start their submissions
> with [dev]. Some of them might even be interesting for the weekly news.

Sounds like a good idea, what infrastructure pieces does dev news currently use?

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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