Xubuntu community meeting 2011-06-27

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Tue Jun 28 15:54:17 UTC 2011

== 2011-06-27 Meeting Minutes ==

the agenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings

=== Old Business ===

 * Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU -
   Carried Forward
 * micahg to find what Ubuntu-desktop does with java in
 * GridCube to begin a discussion on the Xubuntu-devel ML to find the
   "Top 10" FAQ items for Xubuntu
  * investigate putting the "TOP 10" FAQ on the website
 * start ML discussion on panels, reviews of current panels, launchers
   on panels, etc

=== Team updates ===

==== Packaging & Development ====

 * merges/syncs from Debian
 * pavucontrol and pastebinit need to be added to the defaults
 * look into putting file-roller back, now that it won't pull in
   nautilus anymore
 * look at the possibility of adding midori as a second browser
 * no updates for Xubuntu 10.04.3, so this will not be done

==== Bug Triage & Testing ====

 * WWe are running tests almost daily, alternating partition methods
   and install methods to cover everything
 * Bug squashing continues on a daily basis

==== Website & Marketing ====

 * All teams need to review website content
  * insure http://xubuntu.org/contribute is up to date for each team
 * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing

==== Artwork ====

 * there's a git-repo for greybird
  * https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird
 * There is a new scrollbar style; please download the latest updates
   from git and test it
  * we dropped the scrollbar-arrows (at least visually)
  * it can be tested in Xubuntu 11.04

==== Documentation ====

 * We need someone that can go through the wiki documentation and
   update it.

=== Announcements ===

 * Team Reports are due for June
  * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports
 * Debian Import Freeze: June 30
 * 10.04.3 Freeze: June 30
 * Oneiric Alpha 2: July 7
 * Testing for Alpha2: July 5
 * We will need a news release for alpha2, and it should give the
   changes to default apps if we can.
  * We can include the most critical bugs from
  * A draft for release notes is at

=== Any Other Business ===

 * knome is now an IRC op in #xubuntu-devel
 * discussion about adding switch user to panel
 * to subscribe to the xubuntu-devel mailing list, go to
  * https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel
 * Next meeting is in one week, July 3, #xubuntu-devel, at 22:00 UTC.
   | Meeting log]]

=== Action items for the 2011-06-27 meeting ===

 * No action items

==== Xubuntu Governance ====

 * The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at
   [[Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu Governance & Team Structure]]


== 2011-06-27 Meeting Log ==

 * People Present:

  * charlie-tca
  * mr_pouit
  * micahg
  * ochosi
  * pleia2
  * knome
  * Mandrew
  * jarnos
  * Unit193

The full logs can found in original form at

Charlie Kravetz 
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           [http://keepingdreams.com]

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