Ubuntu as project in Google Summer of Code 2010

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Fri Mar 12 09:59:16 GMT 2010

Hello everyone!

I'm very excited to announce that Ubuntu has applied as participating
organisation in the Google Summer of Code 2010!

We submitted an organisational application, along with suggested ideas
for potential projects for students. We also encourage students to come
up with their own ideas.

If you're a student interested in Open Source (or if you know students
who are), now is the time to act to get involved in Google's wonderful
Summer of Code program.

Also, if you are thinking about becoming a student's mentor please visit:


Make sure you read all the necessary information carefully and join the
IRC channel and mailing list for more discussion.

The timeline is as follows:

 * The list of accepted Mentoring Organisations will be announced on
   March 18, 2010 at 12 noon PDT / 19:00 UTC and will be posted on the
   Google Summer of Code 2010 site.

 * The student application period begins March 29, 2010 at 12 noon PDT
   / 19:00 UTC and ends April 9, 2010 at 12:00 at 12 noon PDT / 19:00
   UTC. Please see the Google Summer of Code 2010 timeline and FAQs for
   further information.

Good luck!
 Maria and Daniel

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