Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting Minutes - 08/10/2010
Brad Figg
brad.figg at canonical.com
Tue Aug 10 21:32:11 BST 2010
= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/10/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of the meeting.]]
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]
== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 10 Aug, 2010|20100810 Meeting Agenda]]
=== ARM Status ===
* Marvel (mvl-dove)
* Nothing new this week
* Freescale (fsl-imx51)
* MISC : Prepared a kernel package for Freescale to verify. No feedback on if the kernel patch solves the issue.
* Texas Instruments (ti-omap)
* GIT PULL : ti-omap4 branch is now at 903.7 which contains latest 2.6.34 TI kernel release.
* ON GOING : B591941 found issue using bisect. In discussions to decide on a solution
* PATCH : B592295 this should have been fixed in the latest TI release
* PATCH : B605832 as above
* PATCH : B612895 as above
* ON GOING : B605488 no one has seen this since it was reported
=== Release Metrics ===
==== Bugs ====
Release Meeting Bugs (3 bugs, 9 Blueprints)
==== Beta Milestoned Bugs (35 across all packages (up 14)) ====
* 2 linux kernel bugs (up 1)
* 0 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-ec2 bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-mvl-dove bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (down 1)
==== Release Targeted Bugs (121 across all packages (down 8)) ====
* 25 linux kernel bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs (down 2)
* 0 linux-ec2 bugs (no change)
* 2 linux-mvl-dove bugs (no change)
* 2 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change)
* 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (down 1)
==== Milestoned Features ====
* 14 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints)
==== Bugs with Patches Attached:126 (down 2) ====
* [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]
* [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]]
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-apparmor ===
Bug 615947 - Fixed and updated regression test suites. Will get a patch out to kernel list tonight.
User side updates to log parsing should be commited today or tomorrow.
* [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/615947 | Launchpad bug 615947 in linux (Ubuntu) "AppArmor: kernel module fails to handle namespace removal correctly" [Undecided,New] ]]
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-new-kernel-on-lts ===
LTS backports are tracking Maverick at 2.6.35-14.20
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel ===
Bug #612875 virtual kernel in EC2 only boots from pv-grub. This is
going to require user image creation work on packaging up an aki.
Basically we need to strip the bzImage header off leaving only the
gzipped vmlinux. This is low priority and probably won't be done.
Bug # 574910 High load averages on Lucid while idling. This is in
the Xen patchset, and I have a new kernel being built to test later today.
I have 4 bugs that I haven't really gotten a chance to look at yet,
and anyone who wants is more than welcome to them.
Bug #606373 cloud-init output does not get to console when booted with and
ramdisk. This looks like it is a variation on Bug #431103, except with
the pv-ops hvc console instead of xvc0.
Bug #613083 user-data is corrupted inside metadata service
Bug #613022 ssh daemon hangs after publickey packet sent
Bug # 613273 kernel panic on ec2 in system_call_fastpath
* [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/612875 | Launchpad bug 612875 in linux (Ubuntu) "-virtual kernel in EC2 only boots from pv-grub " [Undecided,New] ]]
* [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/606373 | Launchpad bug 606373 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init output does not get to console when booted with pv-grub and ramdisk" [High,Confirmed] ]]
* [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/431103 | Launchpad bug 431103 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu Karmic) "ssh host key fingerprint no longer available in the console log" [High,Fix released] ]]
* [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/613083 | Launchpad bug 613083 in linux (Ubuntu) "user-data is corrupted inside metadata service" [Undecided,New] ]]
* [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/613022 | Launchpad bug 613022 in openssh (Ubuntu) "ssh daemon hangs after publickey packet sent" [Medium,New] ]]
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bug-handling ===
Nothing to report
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-upstart ===
Looking into an issue wherein console opens are being failed. Believe we have the issue diagnosed, a solution is in progress.
Nothing else to report.
=== Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bios-test-automation ===
* Changes since last week:
* update fwts from 0.17.2 to 0.17.9 in maverick universe
* USB key images at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/testing (with help from bjf)
* --P, --power-states category for S3 S4 tests
* better AML parsing for hpet_check test
* nx test: print out model number as integer (fixes segfault)
* fix typos in man page
=== Status: Maverick ===
Since our Maverick kernel is now rebased on v2.6.35, we've started applying 2.6.35.y pre-stable patches. We'll keep Maverick in sync with the 2.6.35.y releases as they become available.
Maverick Beta is Thurs Sept 2nd, ie ~3weeks away. Also keep in mind that Kernel Freeze is Thurs Sept 16th, ie ~5weeks away. We are above our Beta burn down chart's trend line but I'm
not too worried as most of the open tasks are investigative in nature and not release critical.
=== Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others ===
|| || Upd./Sec. || Proposed || TiP || Verified ||
|| Dapper: Kernel || 2.6.15-55.86 || || || ||
|| Hardy: Kernel || 2.6.24-28.73 || || || ||
|| Jaunty: Kernel || 2.6.28-19.62 || || || ||
|| Karmic: Kernel || 2.6.31-22.61 || || || ||
|| = mvl-dove || 2.6.31-214.29 || || || ||
|| = fsl-imx51 || 2.6.31-112.28 || || || ||
|| = ec2 || 2.6.31-307.16 || || || ||
|| Lucid: Kernel || 2.6.32-24.39 || || || ||
|| = mvl-dove || 2.6.32-207.21 || || || ||
|| = fsl-imx51 || 2.6.31-608.15 || || || ||
|| = ti-omap || 2.6.33-502.9 || || || ||
|| = ec2 || 2.6.32-308.14 || || || ||
* fsl-imx51 has not been released in security this time as there had been problems with certain board revisions. We need to add one more SRU patch before next upload. We won't do that
until we get feedback on the patch actually fixing the issue.
* For Lucid a new proposed kernel which addresses a few priority issues has been uploaded and will get accepted into proposed as soon as the CD images for the point release are settled.
=== Incoming Bugs and Regressions ===
==== Incoming Bugs: ====
||<-2 tablestyle="width: 35%;")> ||
||<:> '''Version''' ||<:> '''Count''' ||
||Maverick ||<:>233 (+32) ||
||Lucid ||<:>1132 (+8) ||
==== Current regression stats: ====
||<-5 tablestyle="width: 100%;")> ||
||<:> '''Version''' ||<:> '''Potential''' ||<:> '''Update''' ||<:> '''Release''' ||<:> '''Proposed''' ||
|| maverick ||<:> 118 (+7) ||<:> ||<:> ||<:> ||
|| lucid ||<:> 226 (?) ||<:> 42 (-1) ||<:> 181 ||<:> 3 (-1) ||
|| karmic ||<:> ||<:> 6 ||<:> 44 ||<:> 1 ||
|| jaunty ||<:> ||<:> 4 ||<:> 19 ||<:> ||
|| hardy ||<:> ||<:> 1 ||<:> 2 ||<:> ||
=== Incoming Bugs: Bug day report ===
Today is the Bug Day. We are focusing on bugs incorrectly listed as new. These will be put in the correct state and their subsystem tag will
be added. I'll update next week with the result. We will continue to have the Team Bug Day to address the Top 50 list as half days on Friday
and Monday, as these seem to be working out very well. Reviewers, please take a look at your needs-review lists and help us keep the process
moving. I will be in Oxford, UK next week, so I'll send my metrics update to bjf via e-mail.
=== Triage Status ===
Great work is being done daily in our bugs due to many folks from other userspace systems helping to triage as well as providing numerous
nuggets of wisdom to the bug reporters themselves. We met simar during last weeks meeting. simar is workin on expanding multitouch knowledge
and looking over those bugs. holstein has been looking at kernel bugs and is currently undergoing bug mentorship with hggdh. I have been
mentoring chazn85 also, focusing on tagging and requests for information. chazn85 has also been looking through our wiki documentation to
bring inconsistencies to my attention. I'd also like to thank charlie-tca for all of the work he has been doing ion kernel bugs as well.
=== Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything? ===
* We will be having our Monday bug chat on Friday at the usual time since JFo will be in Oxford and unavailable next week.
Brad Figg brad.figg at canonical.com http://www.canonical.com
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