[ubuntu-mythtv] I want to contribute to mythbuntu

Mario Limonciello superm1 at ubuntu.com
Sun Oct 3 16:29:14 BST 2010

Hi Angel:

Hope you don't mind, but i'm going to CC ubuntu-mythtv ML too in case any
other people who have been idling by want to perk up and help out too.

Do you use IRC?  If so, all of the people contribute as developers hang out
in #ubuntu-mythtv-dev.  Come on by!

In any case take a gander over at http://mythbuntu.org/gettinginvolved and
http://mythbuntu.org/wiki/developer-cheatsheet for more information about
how all our packaging works.

At this point I think we need the most help trying to cleanup, triage and
fix old bugs that there just hasn't been time for with the rapid Ubuntu
cycle and having to work on keeping other parts of the system compatible.
 Personally it's been a long battle for me with LIRC and Ubiquity - every
cycle that's what a majority of my time has gone towards.

If you really want to work on packaging - there is a complex task that I
started that you can pick up and finish for natty.  We're trying to merge
the mythtv, mythplugins, and myththemes source packages into a single source
package.  The primary reason for doing this is that the PPAs used for
autobuilds sometimes get backed up so if there are changes 2 days in a row,
mythplugins might never get built.
We checkout from svn anyway, so it's primary difference is rather than just
checkout one branch, check out all 3 in the orig.tar.gz and then build them
in order.  The problem is that mythplugins expects mythtv-dev to already be
installed which isn't exactly possible when doing a build like this.
 Consequently, it requires some hackery and patches to be written to make
this happen.  If you're interested, i'll push what i've got so far to bzr
and you are more than welcome to pick it up.

Being a Debian maintainer, would you consider trying to help get some of the
applicable pieces into Debian?  Our current operational model has been
directly in Ubuntu for a lot of our packages as we have several developers
to easily upload to Ubuntu.  If you could help with getting things in
Debian, we can try to benefit more of the community as a whole.


On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 07:22, Angel Abad <angelabad at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hi Mario! Im a Mythtv/Mythbuntu user since 2008, so I would like to
> contribute with mythbuntu project, Im Debian Maintainer and Ubuntu
> Universe Contributor, so I think I have strong packaging skills. I would
> like to help you with mythbuntu, but sincerelly Im a bit lost and I dont
> know how to start... Could you give me some guidelines or advices to
> start to help with mythbuntu?
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> This message was sent from Launchpad by
> Angel Abad (https://edge.launchpad.net/~angelabad)
> using the "Contact this team's owner" link on the Mythbuntu Developers team
> page (https://edge.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu).
> For more information see
> https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ContactingPeople

Mario Limonciello
superm1 at gmail.com
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