[ubuntu-my] First Malaysian OS?

Umarzuki Mochlis umarzuki at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 08:09:00 UTC 2011

2011/3/10 Harisfazillah Jamel <linuxmalaysia at gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> All the issues have highlighted to them and they do follow our
> discussion in OSDC.my mailing list and I believe in this list also.
> They do acknowledge the issues that our friends (me, fazli,
> Sharuzzaman, Redzuan and others) highlight in mailing list like
> OSDC.my and Ubuntu-my and they openly willing to learn from community.
> I believe, they problem start with the nature of local OSS community
> that we don't have one single official reference community or
> organisation that they can refer and get advice how they should go
> about it. We really put them in the dark who to refer and what step
> need to be taken. Tiba-tiba aje kita sudah fire mereka.
maybe they can refer to http://www.softwarefreedom.org/about/contact/


Umarzuki Mochlis
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