[ubuntu-my] Lucid Party for your attention!!
norly.chan at gmail.com
Thu May 13 02:49:19 BST 2010
I need ur help to do some design for
- banner - amke it natural (wanna keep it forever :D)
- flyer - design for both LRP + Global Jam during MOSC (separately)
- leaflet - about Ubuntu-my as whole
I'll attach Ubuntu-my WriteUp for your reference/source.
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 9:30 AM, norly <norly.chan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yup..
> LRP is on..
> I'm sorry since I didn't update anything for LRP. But the party is on, Im
> trying to secure a place first, that's why I couldnt give any work just yet.
> We could have mini meetup to discuss a few thing for the LRP, say this
> weekend perhaps? I'm free on Saturday, and I think ejat too. Anyone up for
> lepaking to discuss about LRP?
> we have limited budget, that is why I couldnt ask u guys to do anything
> just yet. But no worry, the date is fix on 22/05, and there's possibility
> that we do it in the evening.
> I'll update u guys soon. Just spare 22/05 for Ubuntu-my k. :D
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Katie Kitty <admin at flamehaze.info> wrote:
>> I would like to know, will the release party plans continue or not?
>> coz i found that recently have no updates regarding the release party.
>> it is getting near to 22nd May now.
>> but i do not see anything about the discussion on the planning for the
>> party yet....
>> if there is anything need to to be done by the community members, please
>> post it into the mailing list.
>> i am suggesting to have a meeting so that those who volunteers to assist
>> for the release party to discuss about the task.
>> at least some IRC meeting 1st, then if necessary, meetup for a detail
>> discussion at somewhere after a brief discussion in IRC.
>> to make the release party happen, we need the community to involve and do
>> the work to make sure it can really happen.....
>> --
>> KatieKitty
>> My Email: admin at flamehaze.info
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>> --
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> --
> Regards,
> Norliyana Kamarludin
> ~ignorance is bliss~
Norliyana Kamarludin
~ignorance is bliss~
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