[ubuntu-my] Translation Jam - Ubuntu-my

gunbladeiv gunbladeiv at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 17:27:44 BST 2009


I would like to share my idea of doing translation Jams among aour own
community to translate Ubuntu to Bahasa Malaysia.  As far as I know,
there will be a Global Translation Jams where all around the world will
try to translate Ubuntu to their own language.

This is a preparation and also a way to translate Ubuntu -> BM a lot
faster than the old method where people translate it individually then
being review by other user a day later or maybe a month later?

So what say all of you?

We have discuss this issue on IRC, for those who might want to read the
log may do so by using this link:

And more info on how Translation Jams work, please read documentation

Thank you,
Mohd Faizul Zulkipli - Gunblade IV
Ubuntu - Humanity Toward Others
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