[ubuntu-my] Resignation as Treasurer

Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalaysia at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 04:26:11 BST 2009

Thanks Frans for the offer. Lets the AJK decide this.
Two things need to be consider.

(1) Its proper for the second highest vote person
to be consider as the treasurer. If he do not accept
the offer, another meeting need to be called.

This is the power of the secretary by approval
of the committee leader.

(2) Under Register of Society. AJK Penaja
need to Malaysian.

If we want to proceed to register with ROS. This
need to be consider. If we want only to be VIRTUAL
then we can open to all.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:05 AM,
starconsultancy<f.van.der.star at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Talked to Itiknila (spelling??) So he knows.
> Willing to take this post on temporarily basis. Have 15 yrs experience
> treasurer experience (also non-profit orgaizations). Only I am not a
> Malaysian. But have the potentials needed
> I told Itiknila as soon as you can do the job you take over.
> That is all.ns
> Greetings
> Frans

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