[ubuntu-my] [Invitation] ICT Day @ Tue Oct 6 – Wed Oct 7, 2009 (ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com)
mohd fenris
mohdfenris at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 16:42:00 BST 2009
ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com, you are invited to
Title: ICT Day
Time: Tue Oct 6 – Wed Oct 7, 2009 (Timezone: Kuala Lumpur)
Where: UPSI, Tanjung Malim
Calendar: ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
Owner/Creator: mohdfenris at gmail.com
Description: ICT Day
You can view this event at
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ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com because you are an attendee of this event.
To stop receiving future notifications for this event, decline this event.
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