[ubuntu-my] Translation Jam - Ubuntu-my

Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalaysia at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 03:35:53 BST 2009

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Khairul Aizat
Kamarudzzaman<fenris at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Cadangan yang bernas... so adakah kita akan mengadakan meeting IRC utk
> membincangkan Tarikh dan masa 'Translation Jam' ?
> Saya merasakan 'Translation Jam' amat diperlukan kerana terdapat beberapa
> applikasi yang telah di terjemah oleh team translation malay in launchpad
> mendapat perhatian. sy ambil contoh : mozilla firefox
> utk front end firefox , kite telah berjaya menterjemahkan ia 100% tetapi
> framework xulrunner kite masih belum lengkap terjemah.
> dalam email yang saya terima petang semlm dari gen kanai kepada alexander
> sack (asac) dan team l10n mozilla :
> Hi Alexander,
> We've been busy with the 3.5 release, but now that it is behind us, we
> wanted to see if there has been any movement on this effort.
> If there is anything we can do to help, please just ask.
> Also, if we can figure out which locales besides Malay and Asturian
> (?) are possible for upstreaming (i.e. locales that Ubuntu has that
> Mozilla does not) that would be helpful as well.
> Thank you,
> Gen
> So sy berharap agar activity 'Translation Jam' ini memberi manafaat kepada
> kita utk memartabatkn bahasa melayu dalam applikasi OSS.

Menarik. Nampaknya Gen sudah mula cucuk untuk "Malay Translation".

IRC meeting bila-bila boleh.

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