[ubuntu-my] Translation Jam - Ubuntu-my

Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman fenris at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 8 03:10:55 BST 2009

Cadangan yang bernas... so adakah kita akan mengadakan meeting IRC utk 
membincangkan Tarikh dan masa 'Translation Jam' ?

Saya merasakan 'Translation Jam' amat diperlukan kerana terdapat beberapa 
applikasi yang telah di terjemah oleh team translation malay in launchpad 
mendapat perhatian. sy ambil contoh : mozilla firefox

utk front end firefox , kite telah berjaya menterjemahkan ia 100% tetapi 
framework xulrunner kite masih belum lengkap terjemah. 

dalam email yang saya terima petang semlm dari gen kanai kepada alexander sack 
(asac) dan team l10n mozilla :

Hi Alexander,

We've been busy with the 3.5 release, but now that it is behind us, we  
wanted to see if there has been any movement on this effort.

If there is anything we can do to help, please just ask.

Also, if we can figure out which locales besides Malay and Asturian  
(?) are possible for upstreaming (i.e. locales that Ubuntu has that  
Mozilla does not) that would be helpful as well.

Thank you,


So sy berharap agar activity 'Translation Jam' ini memberi manafaat kepada 
kita utk memartabatkn bahasa melayu dalam applikasi OSS.

On Tuesday 07 July 2009 04:40:01 pm Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:
> Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
> Sedia maklum kita bercadang untuk adakan sesi "Translation Jam". Masalah
> sebelum ini adalah tempat.
> Saya sudah dapatkan tempat iaitu di AeU Kuala Lumpur. Kita perlu tetapkan
> tarikh dan masa supaya dapat saya email rasmi kepada AeU.
> Terima kasih.
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:27 AM, gunbladeiv<gunbladeiv at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Assalamualaikum,
> >
> > I would like to share my idea of doing translation Jams among aour own
> > community to translate Ubuntu to Bahasa Malaysia.  As far as I know,
> > there will be a Global Translation Jams where all around the world will
> > try to translate Ubuntu to their own language.
> >
> > This is a preparation and also a way to translate Ubuntu -> BM a lot
> > faster than the old method where people translate it individually then
> > being review by other user a day later or maybe a month later?
> >
> > So what say all of you?
> >
> > We have discuss this issue on IRC, for those who might want to read the
> > log may do so by using this link:
> > http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2009/06/17/%23ubuntu-my.html
> >
> > And more info on how Translation Jams work, please read documentation
> > at:
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jams/Translations



Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman (fenris)
Ubuntu-my Loco Member


OSCC MAMPU MyMeeting Version 2.0 Release

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