[ubuntu-my] How to develop a Linux Special Interest Group(SIG) in a Univ

Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalaysia at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 09:00:27 GMT 2009


- Better to involved lecturers so the SIG will keep on going after the
students graduate.

- Include Bahagian Teknologi Maklumat University. OSS UKM as example.
OSS UKM champion by UKM staff http://opensource.ukm.my/

- Can I know what university you are from? so we can start help you.

- Join LinuxVarsiti http://www.linuxvarsiti.org.my/

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:10 PM, de zull <dezull at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all.
> We want to a develop an SIG in our ICT faculty. We used to have it before,
> but quite unsuccessful. What we did was:
>  -created some groups consist of 5-6 students each
>  -purely student involvement, no lecturers involved
>  -held weekly (supposedly)
>  -no teaching modules, members were taught whatever each team leader had in
> mind
>  -members kept skipping the session
>  -members did not study outside the session
> So now we want to redevelop the SIG, I would like to hear suggestions from
> you all. I believe some of you have this kind of group in your uni. So I
> would like to hear how are you doing it? Do you have any teaching modules?
> Is it working?

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