[ubuntu-my] Ubuntu Hardy Launch Party Suggestion

Shaiffulnizam Mohamad shaifful.md at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 03:43:11 GMT 2008

Someone can download and then burn and distribute it at the party.. :)

On 3/19/08, Eric <seidlitz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Excellent suggestion. Perhaps a good date for a Hardy launch party would be
> 26 or 27 April 2008? That would give people time to download the ISO file
> and make copies for others whose Streamyx connection is - ahem - not so
> great. ;^) If we had the launch party on the release date, it might just be
> a download party - which is a bit less fun. Especially if we're relying on -
> ahem - Streamyx.
> Eric
> Salam All Ubuntuians,
> >
> > Wow.. long time no post in the mailing list.. :-)
> >
> > BTW would like to suggest to all for our next Ubuntu event... the Hardy
> > Heron launch PARTY. I believe the date is somewhere late next month.
> > This can be our twice yearly event where we gather and tryout the new
> > flavour of Ubuntu among the community.
> >
> > Also would like to suggest having some barbeque party-style of gathering
> > rather than Meetup style with presentation et al. Basically more social
> > kind of event.
> >
> > Anyone have any suggestion? would like to support the idea? want to
> > volunteer venue? Feel free to bring forward your idea.
> >
> > Regards,
> > WARiola...
> >

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