[ubuntu-my] Ubuntu-MY WebTeam Volunteer

Nicholas Ng nbliang at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 01:39:51 BST 2008


Thanks for sorting out the issue. I will see whether I can get up (5am
MY time) to join the meeting as I will be traveling again on that day.

My suggestion is that we just hold the mailing list for now and wait
for the result of the CC meeting. The reason is because I don't want
to have half of our discussion on Google and another half on LP (if
they re-approved our application). If the CC meeting did not give good
result, then we can use Google.

We still can proceed with our task (for now) without the mailing list
where we can temporary use this e-mail thread as the communication and
discussion place.

With best regards,

Nicholas Ng
Sarawak, Malaysia
Ubuntu Member
Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team (http://ubuntu.com.my/)
Kuching Open Source Community (http://www.kuchingosc.org/)

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 2:05 AM, ApOgEE <jerungkun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Jorge O. Castro sent me declined reply for requesting mailing list on
> launchpad due to some issue with ubuntu and launchpad. Seems like the team
> stuck in the middle where Launchpad can't host the list because ubuntu
> already said that they will host all ubuntu related mailing lists under
> lists.ubuntu.com while in ubuntu current policy, they can only allow one
> mailing list for each LoCo.
> So, I have consult with Launchpad and they will bring this issue on their
> next meeting. So, for the time being, we can use groups.google.com to host
> the webteam discussion. Do you people agreed?
> Here is the group page, feel free to add yourself here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-my-webteam
> However, this may not be permanent as Jorge O. Castro already promised me to
> attend the meeting and get clarification regarding this issue.
> Here's the detail conversation log:
> <ApOgEE-> jtv, i got decline reply from Jorge O. Castro says The right place
> to ask for an Ubuntu mailing list is rt at ubuntu.com. How was that?
> <ApOgEE-> previously, I clicked on the request mailing-list button
> <jtv> ApOgEE-: I don't know about Ubuntu, but that sounds like a request
> tracker.
> <leonardr> ApOgEE: rt at ubuntu.com is the ticket tracker
> <ApOgEE-> leonardr, I do it on launchpad
> <ApOgEE-> i did it from here
> https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-my-webteam/+mailinglist
> <jtv> ApOgEE-: maybe the problem has something to do with what the list is
> for.
> <ApOgEE-> jtv, the page stated The application for this team's mailing list
> has been declined. Please contact a Launchpad administrator for further
> assistance.
> <ApOgEE-> any problems?
> <jtv> ApOgEE-: I see, this is a LoCo team.  I don't know how Ubuntu mailing
> lists are set up, but it sounds like there's a special arrangement for
> setting those up.  You can always try emailing that address.
> <leonardr> ApOgEE: i think this is the issue: because your project is part
> of ubuntu, you should talk to the ubuntu maintainers to get a list set up
> <leonardr> that is, send a request to rt at ubuntu.com to get a task ticket
> <ApOgEE-> i see...
> <kiko> leonardr, ApOgEE-: well, hang on a second.
> <kiko> leonardr, ApOgEE-: would a launchpad mailing list not serve what
> ApOgEE- is looking for?
> <kiko> we're happy to host ubuntu mailing lists -- they don't show up under
> lists.ubuntu.com, but instead are LP mailing lists
> <leonardr> kiko: i don't see why it wouldn't, but his request was rejected
> <kiko> but that's usually fine
> <leonardr> possibly because it wouldn't show up under lists.ubuntu.com
> <kiko> ApOgEE-, leonardr: the right person to talk to is jcastro
> <kiko> jcastro, ping?
> <cody-somerville> The CC said that the community shouldn't use the launchpad
> mailing lists yet
> <jcastro> kiko: pong
> <ApOgEE-> jcastro, told me to ask rt at ubuntu.com instead
> <kiko> cody-somerville, jcastro: why not?
> <jcastro> kiko: the CC decided to use lists.ubuntu.com
> <kiko> why?
> <jcastro> namespace issues or something I guess.
> <kiko> it's much harder to manage those lists
> <kiko> I think the CC should really reconsider that suggestion
> <kiko> and we can fix whatever issues people are having as long as they
> don't decide to not use the lists themselves :)
> <jcastro> kiko: I just decline on LP and approve in RT, I neither made the
> decision or had anything to do with it. (ie. Don't shoot the messenger!)
> <cody-somerville> kiko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda/talk
> <kiko> jcastro, I'm not shooting you, but I think it's kinda crazy to create
> more work for IS after having mailing lists actually reimplemented in
> launchpad to avoid this
> <kiko> thanks cody-somerville
> <jcastro> kiko: I agree
> <jcastro> thanks for that cody-somerville
> <kiko> it has to do with the lists appearing under lists.ubuntu.com
> <kiko> I wonder if that's really such a big deal, or if them being linked
> from lists.ubuntu.com would be good enough
> <jcastro> kiko: having to manage RT and stuff now, I would say, the sooner
> someone were to fix the stuff mentioned on that wiki page so I can just
> approve via launchpad, the better. :)
> <kiko> jcastro, we need to figure out why lists.ubuntu.com is important. is
> it just the directory? or something else?
> <jcastro> kiko: I am not sure, Jono was the poc for all this but he's on
> holiday
> <kiko> jcastro, you can fit right in :)
> <ApOgEE-> jcastro, is that means I can't create mailing lists for my team
> then?
> <jcastro> for a LoCo?
> <jcastro> no, those go under lists.ubuntu.com
> <ApOgEE-> jcastro, actually we have loCo mailing list but we would like to
> separate the list just for the web team
> <ApOgEE-> so it won't mixed up with LoCo mailing lists. can I do that?
> <jcastro> ApOgEE-: policy right now is only one mailing list per LoCo.
> <ApOgEE-> jcastro, I see... even on launchpad mailing lists?
> <jcastro> not really, but they don't want ubuntu mailing lists on launchpad
> to begin with
> <jcastro> at this point I think discussing this with the CC at the next
> meeting would probably help iron all this out
> <ApOgEE-> If that so, I'll just use groups.google.com then
> <jcastro> ApOgEE-: kiko: I'll attend the CC meeting on the 5th and see if we
> can't get some clarification on this
> <jcastro> because the current situation is just as bad if people end up
> going to freelists/google groups, etc.
> <kiko> cool
> <ApOgEE-> thanks jcastro , kiko
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 10:39 PM, Donald P Kong <dpkong at pc.jaring.my> wrote:
>> before publishing any mirrors, it would be good to get a commitment from
>> them that it will be permanent. also, they should register it with
>> Canonical so that my.archive.ubuntu.com will point to these servers. for
>> MMU who are planning to have 2 mirrors, there should be some kind of
>> failover or load-balancing mechanism.
>> that way, any default installation of ubuntu will use these mirrors.
>> On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 09:54 +0800, Nicholas Ng wrote:
>> > ApOgEE & Hui Ming,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the mirrors information. For the MMU mirrors, they have
>> > requested us (through e-mail to me) not to publish it yet until
>> > somewhere mid-August (they will update us once they are ready) as they
>> > are currently upgrading the facilities and there maybe 2 mirrors
>> > available from MMU (from different campus).
>> >
>> > As for the http://linfoss.fkm.utm.my/, I take a look at the FTP and
>> > seems that they do not provide mirror for Ubuntu, but they do provide
>> > ISO files. If anyone have any contact details of them please do let us
>> > know so that we can contact them and maybe request them to setup the
>> > mirror (if they wanted too).
>> >
>> > Again, thanks.
>> >
>> > With best regards,
>> >
>> > Nicholas Ng
>> > Sarawak, Malaysia
>> > Ubuntu Member
>> > Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team (http://ubuntu.com.my/)
>> > Kuching Open Source Community (http://www.kuchingosc.org/)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Hui Ming Teo <teohuiming at gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> > > 1. http://mirror.oscc.org.my/ubuntu/
>> > > 2. http://ubuntu.mmu.edu.my/ubuntu/
>> > >
>> > > 3. http://linfoss.fkm.utm.my/ftp/linux/distros/ubuntu/
>> > >
>> > > I find this server in UTM Skudai, not well-known to most ppl in UTM, i
>> > > think.
>> > > Not sure the person in charge. But perhaps, you can try to contact the
>> > > webmaster of http://linfoss.fkm.utm.my
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Teo Hui Ming
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Ubuntu-my mailing list
>> > > Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>> > > Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> > > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
>> > >
>> >
>> --
>> -------%%@
>> Donald P Kong
>> +6019-887-7337
>> +6016-809-7227
>> http://nanasbarat.dyndns.org
>> http://www.foss-solutions.com
>> http://www.kuchingosc.org
>> --
>> Ubuntu-my mailing list
>> Ubuntu-my at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my
> --
> Best Wishes,
> ApOgEE a.k.a JeRuNgKuN
> ----------------------------------------------------
> https://edge.launchpad.net/~apogee - ApOgEE on LaunchPad
> http://artofapogee.blogspot.com - Art Of ApOgEE
> http://coderstalk.blogspot.com - Coder's Talk
> http://jerungkun.blogspot.com - The Rojak Blog
> http://reggae-and-ska.blogspot.com - Reggae and SKA Music Blog
> ----------------------------------------------------
> --
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