Hardy Alpha 4 Firefox 3 doesn't sort bookmarks
Bryan Quigley
gquigs at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 04:00:46 GMT 2008
Nothing in an alpha is "ready". I really wanted Firefox 3 to be in the
default hardy earlier but now that it is, that's great (
(No, I am not a developer just a tester.)
Go to Bookmarks -> Show all bookmarks | View -> Sort -> Sort by name
On Feb 16, 2008 4:56 PM, <jerrylamos at aim.com> wrote:
> Hi, I'm one of the myriad of people out here who've been downloading and
> trying early levels of Ubuntu since Feisty by doing the things an "ordinary
> user" would do. I find some bugs, some of which get fixed which I think
> makes the effort worthwhile. Some bugs don't get fixed, that is they are
> still around months or even a year later, and sometimes even when a bunch of
> us continue to have the same or similar problems.
> Yesterday's update to Hardy Alpha 4 installed Firefox 3. It's not ready
> for this user. There doesn't seem to be any way to sort benchmarks on a
> list at the left of the screen. On Firefox 2, I have pages and pages of
> benchmarks all sorted alphabetically and easy to find and remember. There's
> a Firefox 3 search function but the list it produces isn't sorted
> alphabetically either. Bookmarks on Firefox 3 are like cutting out all the
> words in a dictionary and throwing them in a mixed pile on the floor. Good
> luck.
> What frosts me is that Firefox 2 was removed from my Hardy - I don't
> remember even being asked - and it is not even on Synaptic. I don't mind
> trying Firefox 3, but when it isn't ready for this user, taking away what
> works is not acceptable. That's a problem.
> I tried downloading Firefox 2 from their website as a tar.gz however it
> was beyond me how to get it running. I tried copying over a Firefox 2 from
> another partition but that had library problems, and I don't have the
> expertise for that.
> So I'm dropping back to an earlier level of Hardy Alpha that still has
> Firefox 2, and do no updates at all. If and when, or if ever, Firefox 2
> shows up on Synaptic I'll try Hardy Alpha 4 and Firefox 3 again.
> I tried asking on the Hardy Heron Forum but no one yet has an answer I can
> understand and implement (by the way, I worked 40 years as an IBM Computer
> Engineer and have been using pc's since 1982).
> So long, Jerry
> ------------------------------
> More new features than ever. Check out the new AIM(R) Mail<http://o.aolcdn.com/cdn.webmail.aol.com/mailtour/aol/en-us/text.htm?ncid=aimcmp00050000000001>
> !
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