Filter Matching..

David Farning dfarning at
Thu Jan 18 21:28:45 GMT 2007

On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 19:56 +0000, Alex Latchford wrote:
> Howdy guys,
> This bugs is saying that the use of left/right double quotes should be 
> merged into standard double quotes in order to allow for easier 
> searching, Although I agree in principle with this, I agree it would 
> make life easier, but I feel this is opening up a can of worms, if this 
> is allowed then when the substitutions stop?
> Fire up the character map and take a look down the Common list, there 
> are 5 or so characters that are the similar, however each one has its 
> own identifier, this doesn't even take into account other languages and 
> misconceptions in translations.
> I think that this would be a great bug to fix in terms of usability but 
> in terms of opening large cans it's easier to close this one now..
> Anyone else got any views on this?
> Thanks, Alex.


I think that I have come across this issue before.  IIRC upstream choose
not to merge different styles of quotes.  Their reasoning was the same
as yours.  Once we cross the slippery slope of char substitutions where
do we stop and what problems is it going to cause for localizers.  

I don't think that we are can tackle that locally, but you might want to
run it by upstream again before closing.

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