Mozilla Trademark Status

Alex Latchford alex at
Tue Feb 13 00:00:54 GMT 2007

Howdy guys,

I am having a little trouble trying to compose a page outlining the 
current Ubuntu Status on the Mozilla Software Trademark issues. I was 
wondering if someone from the Doc Team could take over the page and try 
to clarify Ubuntus' official position on the situation.

I am unsure exactly where the exact information lies, however there is 
some on the ubuntu-devel list archives [1], (October 2006, Thread "Is 
Ubuntu going to adapt Ice Weasel?".

The current draft is located at [2], it is just a shell as I don't 
really know the situation and I am reluctant to add more for fear of 
being gravely incorrect. Maybe this should be forwarded to Matt 
Zimmerman for official clarification, but I thought this list would be a 
good starting point.

Thanks, Alex.


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