FreeBSD periodic tool/scripts for Ubuntu

Jeroen de Vries jeroen at
Wed Jan 3 22:24:12 UTC 2018

Hi Cedric,

I know cron to run commands periodically. I am referring to the set of
scripts with all the system checks. This is called periodic in FreeBSD and
yes those are scheduled using cron.

But i am looking for this set of scripts and their configs bundled as a

Op 3 jan. 2018 9:25 p.m. schreef "Cedric Roux" <sed at>:

On 01/03/2018 02:40 PM, Jeroen de Vries wrote:
> Dear community,
> I have been working with several FreeBSD servers for while and noticed a
nice tool (set of scripts) bundled with FreeBSD itself called periodic. It
provides scripts to run daily, weekly, monthly to check on all kinds of
server conditions. Failed logins, errors in particular logfiles, disc
status, outdated packages etc.
> I have tried to search for something similar for Ubuntu and linux in
general but have not found a port of this package or something resembling
> Of course it can be I have not looked in the right place therefor I want
to ask you if you know if such a package exists for Ubuntu or Linux in
general? If so which is it?
> If not I would like to try and get it ported/packaged for Ubuntu.
> Best regards,
> Jeroen

it's called cron.
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