GMT package on ubuntu

Dimitri John Ledkov xnox at
Thu Jul 17 10:32:24 UTC 2014

Hello Paul,

On 16 July 2014 19:21, Paul Wessel <pwessel at> wrote:
> This is directed to the maintainer for the gmt 4.5.11-1build1 package:
> We have received many emails from ubuntu users who have installed gmt via your package.  These emails shows mysterious crashes of gmt that we are unable to reproduce when we build GMT from source, or when using other platforms.  We suspect you must be using a set of compiler options (e.g., too-aggressive optimization) that is causing this problem (i.e., exposing a code weakness).  When we tell these users to build their own executables from scratch using our install script the problem goes away.  Our recipe calls for -O2 and not higher.
> It would be very beneficial to the gmt developers if you could share exactly what compiler options or other directives you use in creating your gmt package so we may try to track down what is going on.

The package is build unmodified from Debian in Ubuntu. Are
same/similar problems seen with Debian packages as well?

We default to -O2 as well. You can checkout out build logs by clicking
on desired version from e.g. then click on
desired architecture build, from where there is a build log listed.
E.g. for amd64 for that version number

However ubuntu toolchain is hardened by default, see for more information.



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