Request for review

Benjamin Drung bdrung at
Thu Jul 26 20:29:02 UTC 2012

Am Donnerstag, den 26.07.2012, 09:06 -0500 schrieb Robert Park:
> Quite the thorough review, thank you!

You're welcome.

> >>  Of course, it
> >> looks like debian is in freeze, so I guess I'm supposed to pursue
> >> acceptance in universe before I'll be able to get it into debian
> >> unstable. Is that right? I filed a needs-packaging bug in launchpad.
> >
> > The Debian freeze prevents packages to move from unstable to testing,
> > but it does not prevent new packages into unstable. It's recommended to
> > get the package in Debian first and then use requestsync (or syncpackage
> > if you have upload rights) to get it synced into Ubuntu.
> Yes in theory, however I've been following a few other people's
> request for sponsorship in debian-mentors and it seems nearly
> impossible to get sponsorship during the freeze, because nobody cares
> about new packages and everybody is busy testing the frozen 'testing'
> distro.

Getting sponsors is sometimes complicated due to missing man power, but
I doubt that this is connected to the freeze.

> > I had a quick look at your package on mentors:
> >
> > 1) The changelog should only contain entries for version that are
> > actually in the archive. In your case, only one changelog entry would
> > remain.
> But the program has been packaged on a launchpad PPA up until this
> point, so theoretically there are users in the wild with old versions
> of this package. It's not like this is the first ever version of the
> package and I just arbitrarily felt like creating a retroactive
> changelog for nonexistent packages. Am I seriously supposed to
> truncate the changelog just because I'm seeking the package's
> inclusion in debian?

It's my opinion, that debian/changelog should only contain entries for
uploads to Debian. IMO every new upload to Debian should add only one
new block in the changelog file. Having entries like "gottengeography
(1.1-2) unstable; urgency=low" are misleading, because they were never
uploaded to unstable. It should at least detectable, what versions were
uploaded to Debian and which were uploaded somewhere else.

> > 8) Do you really need patches for your Debian package?
> Why not? The patches are mostly to do with distutils, specifically in
> the sense that the 'upstream' tarball is configured to be able to run
> uninstalled, but the debian package drops some of that code because it
> was interfering with the building of the package.

Not every change there looks like a needed packaging change. Example:

--- gottengeography-2.1.orig/gg/
+++ gottengeography-2.1/gg/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@


 AUTHOR='Robert Park'
 EMAIL='rbpark at'

Benjamin Drung
Debian & Ubuntu Developer
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