Bug in mtpfs

Adriano Baratè barate at dico.unimi.it
Tue Mar 29 22:27:55 UTC 2011

Hello, I'm Adriano. I was trying to get my Creative Zen Touch to 
function with Ubuntu, using the mtpfs package.
I've seen some reported bugs on copying audio files on the player, 
resulting in no directory preservation, and the same problem happened to 
me too.

After downloading the source of mtps I think I've found the bug.

I think in the mtpfs.c file, the line "genfile->parent_id = 0;" must be 
corrected in "genfile->parent_id = parent_id". I don't know why, but 
when transferring audio files, the parent_id was set to 0 (meaning the 
root dir of the device), while when transferring data files, the 
parent_id was preserved.

Changing that line solves my problems.

I hope this helps
Adriano Baratè

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