gnu-smalltalk amd64 missing

Roland Plüss roland at
Wed Feb 16 11:00:25 UTC 2011

Since nearly over a year now the gnu-smalltalk is broken on Ubuntu 
(since maverick to be precise) on my amd64 developer machine. Since this 
time I have now to dual-boot with a GenToo to develop with GST since 
Ubuntu only has the i368 version but not the amd64 version.

Why exactly is there no amd64 version since over a year whereas GenToo 
has an amd64 version and it works splendid? Is it because of this one 
test case which fails in the build logs?

>  111: DBD-MySQL                                       skipped (
>  116: GDBM                                            FAILED (
>  ERROR: 125 tests were run,
>  1 failed unexpectedly.
>  1 test was skipped.

A skipped test is nothing special and GDBM failing the test by itself 
also nothing special (it's under "other package"). Is it not possible to 
do something about this? It's quite a nuisance to dual-boot just because 
an amd64 version is refused to be done.

(if you answer on this mail, please also CC roland at as I can't 
register on this mailing list for some reason)

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