Stable Handbrake package would be great

Andrew Starr-Bochicchio a.starr.b at
Wed Oct 13 15:37:07 BST 2010

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 8:21 PM, Jeff Mitchell
<jeffmitchell at> wrote:
> Subject line says it all. I just added the apt line for the unstable
> version, and I'm hoping it works. If not, I guess I'll try the next
> nightly build. Better yet, why don't we just get a stable version
> packaged, to save new users the trouble? I've been using Ubuntu for 4
> years and I still hardly know what I'm doing. The non-standardisation of
> Linux combined with a 6-month release cycle really screws things up.
> Let's at least get the best software packaged.

Hi Jeff,

I haven't looked at Handbreak very closely in awhile, but I imagine
not much has changed. It has a number of issues that make it difficult
(or even inappropriate) for inclusion in the Ubuntu repositories.
Namely it's build process is extremely problematic; it tries to
download and build all its dependencies at build time, and statically
link to those copies.

Here are some links about previous attempts to get this into Ubuntu:

In the mean time, I suggest taking a look at either  transmageddon or
arista. Both are in the archive and are similar to Handbreak.

transmageddon -
Arista -

- Andrew Starr-Bochicchio

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