Future of MOTU

Brian J Mingus Brian.Mingus at Colorado.EDU
Tue Mar 23 20:24:25 GMT 2010

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 2:12 PM, Elliot Murphy <elliot at canonical.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Johan De Taeye
> <johan_de_taeye at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>>We get far more package submissions than we can review every cycle. I
> >>> generally recommend getting
> >>>your package into Debian and then it will be sync'ed into Ubuntu. There
> >>> are a lot more developers in Debian.
> > But, could this be documented?
> > When people submit their package they know what they are up to.
> > It'ld avoid people (like me) trying to learn the process, uploading their
> > package in good faith and getting (a bit) frustrated.
> > I fully understand and appreciate all the work the team is doing.
> > Just trying to be positive and see how things can be improved...
> As Scott has pointed out, it's a problem of having enough volunteers
> to do the work. I am trying to improve the situation personally by
> working with Debian teams instead of Ubuntu for my own packages that I
> want to get in, reviewing packages and giving advice now and then on
> REVU, and working towards becoming a MOTU myself, but it's slow going.
> The best way to improve is for more people to do the same.
> Even if you are not yet MOTU, I think one of the best ways to learn is
> to review other peoples packages. I have learned many things to
> improve my own packages by carefully looking at other peoples
> packages, reading the existing reviews, and trying to see what things
> would need to be fixed before I would consider the package fine to
> upload. Doing code review is a really fantastic way to learn.
> --
> Elliot Murphy | https://launchpad.net/~statik/<https://launchpad.net/%7Estatik/>
This really just doesn't click for me. These are Masters of the Universe
after all. They know everything about creating packages and they have a
highly efficient and streamlined package testing paradigm. They know what
bugs in packages are and they know how to fix them more quickly than anyone
else. Why is there no one who oversees the MOTUs (Master of the Masters of
the Universe) and says "this package should be in Universe" and they say
"ok, I will spend the next couple of hours getting it ready."
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