How do we deal with boudled libraries

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at
Fri Apr 16 15:43:20 BST 2010

2010/4/15 Rickard Närström <rickard.narstrom at>:
> I am together with upstream trying to package Clementine Player [1] [2].
> A music player and library organizer. Clementine is in large parts based
> on Amarok 1.4 but ported to Qt4 and doesn't use any KDE libraries. It
> also can connect to for Internet radio.
> The problem at hand is that Clementine's is bundled with parts of the Qt
> extension library (libqxt) [3] and a single application add-on to Qt
> from Nokia [4]. The question is: do we need to pack those libraries
> separately?

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