Make ~ubuntu-dev a member of ubuntu-universe-sponsors?
Stephan Hermann
sh at
Thu May 14 07:54:13 BST 2009
On Wed, 13 May 2009 17:59:34 +0100
James Westby <jw+debian at> wrote:
> Hi,
> After seeing several people asking to join the sponsors team in the
> last few days, presumably purely so that they can un-subscribe the
> team from bugs, I wanted to suggest removing the need to do that.
Thumbs up...
But eventually not by merging or adding teams.
> My proposal is simply to make ~ubuntu-dev (or should it be ~motu
> and ~ubuntu-core-dev individually?) to the team. This would mean
> that anyone with upload rights would automatically be a member of
> the team.
> ~ubuntu-universe-sponsors has a mailing list, so it should lead
> to zero extra mails (well, maybe one when it is added), and will
> remove this obstacle to sponsoring.
I would propose that "to be sponsored" stuff should be tagged with
"sponsor" or "need_sponsor" or whatever is a sane tag wording.
A filter on "new" + "tag: sponsor" is quiet easy to achieve and gives
the same result (IMHO!)
Stephan '\sh' Hermann | OSS Developer &
Systemadministrator JID: sh at | GPG ID: 0xC098EFA8 | 3D8B 5138 0852 DA7A B83F DCCB C189 E733 C098 EFA8
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