packaging gtkwave and icarus verilog

Iztok Jeras iztok.jeras at
Thu Mar 12 17:48:14 GMT 2009

It does make sense, thanks.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Andrew <a.starr.b at> wrote:
>> I need help in naming the versions of PPA packages. The instructions
>> are not very clear, and I did not check many examples. Please make
>> suggestions.
> Looking at what you've done, you almost have it. X.Y-1~1 is smaller
> than X.Y-1 this allows the PPA package to be replaced by the official
> Ubuntu package once it enters the archive.
> So you have gtkwave (3.2.0-2~ppa1) in your archive. The problem is
> that both Debian and Ubuntu only have version gtkwave (3.1.13-1).
> The first Debian upload of this version would be: 3.2.0-1
> If Ubuntu decided to package the new upstream release before Debian,
> it would be: 3.2.0-0ubuntu1
> If Ubuntu uses the Debian package and modifies it, it would be: 3.2.0-1ubuntu1
> The package in your PPA would replace any of those versions above as
> X.Y-2, even if it's X.Y-2~1, is always bigger than X.Y-1.
> Your package should have been: 3.2.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1 or 3.2.0-1~ppa1
> Hope that makes sense,
> - Andrew Starr-Bochicchioo
> Ubuntu Contributing Developer

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