Who to coordinate with on OpenSceneGraph and related project packaging

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 17:09:09 GMT 2009

Hi All,

Volunteering to help out with OpenSceneGraph related packaging

I've been a Kubuntu user for past two years, but... this is my first
foray into world of actively contributing to the Ubunutu family, so
please be patient if I ask the wrong questions in the wrong places -
just point me in the right direction, I'm up for learning how to fit
in and contribute with the project processes.

A little background about myself, I'm the project lead of the
OpenSceneGraph project, which is graphics middle-ware used primarily
the vis-sim, VR and GIS sectors.  I've been making my living from
consulting/bespoke dev work on top the OpenSceneGraph for the past 8
years, and based in Scotland.  I'm a OpenGL/C++/scene graph man, for
packaging and server admin I've so far deferred to others with more
expertise in various platforms, so don't have lots of experience in
this area yet.  I have been using various flavours of unix since the
late eighties, GNU/Linux in various forms since the late nineties.

Since moving to Kubuntu a couple of years ago,  I've become a keen
advocate of Kubuntu so feel that it's about time that I helped out try
to make the Ubutuntu platform better in what ways I can.  My area of
expertise is OpenSceneGraph, so I'd suggest my greatest use would be
to help coordinating packaging/bug  ixes etc. relating the
OpenSceneGraph package.  While I have lots to learn, I would hope that
I'd be able to help relieve some of the workload of those who have
currently been manage the OpenSceneGraph and related packaging.

My motivation isn't all just focused on helping out with the Ubuntu
community, I also want to help present OpenSceneGraph users, and
projects that use the OpenSceneGraph (such as FlightGear) by making
sure that Ubuntu has up to date releases and that bug fixes make there
way in promptly, I believe I can help short cut the
upstream/downstream disconnect that exists right now and help out both
communities.  Right now Ubuntu repositories just have
OpenSceneGraph-2.4.0 which is 9 months old now, there has been plenty
of bug fixes and feature enhancements since then, to an extent that
Ubuntu/OSG users typically have to pull down the sources themselves to
get the best OSG experience, rather than pulling down packages from
the Ubuntu repositories.   Since 2.4.0 there has been a 2.6.0 and
2.6.1 releases (that are debian unstable), and we've just tagged
OSG-2.8.0-rc1, so it'd be good to help see more up to date packages
made available.

So... my question is who are currently contributing to OpenSceneGraph
packaging/support?  Would they be willing to bring me into the
fold/mentor by little baby steps?

Thanks in advance for you assistance,

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