motu-sru needs you

Stefan Potyra sistpoty at
Fri Oct 3 00:42:39 BST 2008


On Thursday 02 October 2008 22:25:16 Nicolas Valcárcel wrote:
> I would like to apply for SRU team aswell, my daily work involves
> working with the current stable release, so i think i can do o a good
> job on it. I'm also interested in Q&A and security, which are some
> things that will help me on this, so please consider this as my
> application for the motu-sru team.

speaking of it, I'm interested where you'd draw the border between what should 
go into -security and -updates.

Also, I'd be interested about a personal nitpick: The ghc6 package as in 
intrepid right now, hasn't seen a new upstream version since hardy, but was 
updated with a number of fixes since then, a few irrelevant to hardy (e.g. 
adding a script that produces some output during the time-taking build, so 
that slow buildds won't fail due to timeout), but some which fix imho 
important bugs. How would you react if I'd request the current version in 
intrepid to go into hardy-updates?

@Devid: maybe you'd also like to answer to these questions?


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