patch to fix frozen bubble level editor open levelset dialog bug

David Joham djoham at
Sat Jan 5 05:39:20 GMT 2008

Hello all,

The frozen bubble level editor has a minor but annoying defect when the user attempts to open a levelset. The defect is that an artifact from the "choose levelset level to play" dialog (from the start 1 player game menu) shows up on the "open levelset" dialog as well.

It looks like when gc (maintainer of frozen-bubble) merged in some of my changes, something went haywire and some code ended up where it shouldn't have been. This patch removes the offending code and fixes the dialog.

I've submitted this patch to gc to fix as well, but I don't know what his time table is for getting it into an official version.

Would it be possible to get this fix into the ubuntu repositories, either as an update to Gutsy or for the Hardy release? If so, how would one new to this process go about making that happen? 


David Joham
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