Feature Freeze and bug fix releases

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 17:11:53 GMT 2008

Scott Kitterman proposed:
>  Up through Alpha 6, if a MOTU believes upload of a new upstream release that
>  just has bug fixes in it is warranted, they may upload it.  File a bug in LP
>  with the upstream change log entries in it and mark it fix released when the
>  upload is done to document that it was bug fix only.  If you have doubts
>  about if something qualifies, check with a member of motu-release (or
>  subscribe motu-release to the bug) and if one person from motu-release agrees
>  it's a bug fix update, you're good for upload.

    I'd like to see discussion of the motu-release freeze policy
internal to MOTU release and presented for review at the MOTU Meeting
this Friday, just to ensure that the entire team is comfortable with a
plan, rather than it being presented in advance (especially given that
the team as a slightly different role than has been granted for past

    Aside from that, it sounds very sane, and certainly reduces the
overhead involved in tracking upstream (including Debian) bugfixes and
trying to get them all included in hardy.


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