Please think before you send bugs to Debian

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Thu Feb 7 07:53:14 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Sarah Hobbs schrieb:
> This worries me.  We apparently have various people who don't think
> before sending changes, yet have direct upload access to most of the
> archive.  Is having a note in the wiki really going to suffice?

Everybody has done a mistake in the past - including you. I really don't
like that you assume that people did not employ thought.

Mistakes are easy to make in a world where lots of problems are dealt
with and lots of conversations go on at the same time. It's our task as
a team to let each other know when things go wrong. The open culture and
trust is our core value.

The challenge is to keep these kinds of incidents low. I'm not inclined
to believe that the percentage of 'broken' forwarded patches is worrying
right now and further not worried that our MOTU members do a bad job.

> It appears to me that people who don't use thought in sending changes
> (and I'm aware that this is not occuring all the time - at least, I hope
> not!) won't have the thought to check the wiki for sane things to do either.

My proposal was to document the use of tools like submittodebian, which
some people might not know about yet.

Have a nice day,
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