MOTU Wiki Cleanup!

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Fri Sep 14 12:53:49 BST 2007

Hello everybody,

some of you might have read it at
already, I'm currently working on fixing the MOTU wiki.

The big plan is outlined over here: and I basically envision us
using three wiki namespace in the near future:

      * MOTU (for really MOTU specific things as MOTU Meetings, the MOTU
        Council, etc.)
      * PackagingGuide (see Jordan's thread on ubuntu-motu@ about that)
      * UbuntuDevelopment (for process docs, etc)

When I reviewed lots of the pages in this list they practically yelled at me "You can't afford to maintain the same information in different places!"

We have a lot of outdated docs, broken links, inaccurate and unclear
documentation, etc. and we should try to make sure to move things into
definite places. So for example the MOTU SRU procedure is just a special
case of the normal SRU procedure. There's no reason for us to keep it in
our namespace. It should be where the other procedures are. This is just
one case of very very many.

I added headers to and use the
following categories to make more sense of what should go where:

Please let me know what you think and if you worked with the MOTU wiki
for a while, please help out tagging pages of the working list
( appropriately.

Once we agree on the basic model, we can discuss the pages on the
different category lists in say two weeks and start working from there.

Let's get the wiki cleaned up together for good! :-)

Have a nice day,

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