Review of wine 0.9.44 on

Scott Ritchie scott at
Sat Sep 8 06:28:54 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 08:35 +0200, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> Moins
> Stefan Potyra wrote:
> > Hi Stephan,
> >
> > Am Mittwoch 05 September 2007 20:28:11 schrieb Stephan Hermann:
> >   
> >> Good Evening MOTUs, Hi Scott,
> >>
> >>     
> > [..]
> >   
> >> Therefore, what I suggest is the following:
> >>
> >> Updating debian/control:
> >>
> >> Today, we have two binary packages, wine and wine-dev.
> >> I would like to see the two packages containing the native versions of
> >> wine,
> >> means package: wine on 32bit systems == 32bit windows, package: wine
> >> on 64bit systems == 64bit  windows ( when wine can be compiled with
> >> --enable-win64).
> >> For 32bit windows wine version on 64bit, I would like to see wine32
> >> and wine32-dev.
> >> Those packages are only created for 64bit archs (I wonder if this is
> >> possible on our buildds, saying that those packages are only be build
> >> when arch: amd64)
> >>     
> >
> > Could be done via p-a-s, I guess. However I see no reason to not ship amd64 
> > packages for ia32 (unless there are dependency issues) because you can 
> > install ia32 ubuntu on amd64 as well.
> >   
> Well, there is no problem with 32bit packages on 64bit arch.
> It's compiled with -m32, so we have  32bit  compilations for  amd64.
> Regarding -m32 compiled libs,  they are sitting normally in /usr/lib32
> and not in /usr/lib on amd64 releases.
> The current package in revu but, is installing those -m32 compiled libs
> to /usr/lib, which is not "correct" for this.
> Therefore, we have two possibilities:
> 1. For 64bit archs, we compile with -m32, installing the libs to
> /usr/lib32 and leaving the binary package names like they are on i386.
> With this, we are running into problems in the future, when we ship as
> well a  native windows64 supported version of wine on amd64

The hypothetical native Windows64 version of Wine must still support 32
bit windows applications.  There is no need for separate wine32 and
wine64 packages, as they would both always need to be installed together
- otherwise, applications will mysteriously break.

While Linux 64 doesn't assume that 32 bit libraries are available,
Windows does. Wine must therefore do the same thing, for much the same
reason that it still has 16 bit support.

Anyway, for now, Wine doesn't even build in 64 bit mode if you tell it
to.  So we don't have to worry for Gutsy.

You are right that Wine's 32 bit libs should go into /usr/lib32 though
-- that's a fairly simple change; just move the install target on the 64
arch.  Later, a combined 32 and 64 bit package would put the 64 bit libs
into /usr/lib (and the old 32 bit ones into /usr/lib32).  In the
meantime, there's no real change moving from /usr/lib to /usr/lib32
since we don't yet have any duplication and both are in the path.

Scott Ritchie

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