Next REVU day.

Cesare Falco cesare.falco at
Mon Oct 22 23:40:53 BST 2007

> Yes, since we are now into a new cycle, there is a REVU day planned for Monday, 5 November 2007. 
> If you have any packages you would like to see in the Ubuntu repository, or if there is a 
> package you wish to get updated for Ubuntu Hardy, please come along to #ubuntu-motu on 
> to get your packages reviewed. MOTUs, if you could lend a hand with reviewing 
> packages on that day, that would be a great help.

That's the first time I heard about a REVU day, I'll do my best to join.

In the meantime, request for reviews can be posted, or should I wait
for it?

Cesare Falco.

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