Change in the Mentoring program

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Mon Nov 26 01:56:57 GMT 2007

On Sunday 25 November 2007 19:52, Cesare Tirabassi wrote:
> On Monday 26 November 2007 00:59:01 Scott Kitterman wrote:
> >So far I've asked for some numbers and haven't gotten
> > them.
> Let me repeat once again, you haven't got any numbers simply because there
> are no such numbers. We have kept no record beside those which I pointed
> out to you.
> What is the point of keeping track of how many motu have graduated being
> mentored?
> We have never asked to mentors about the progress of their mentee to
> MOTUship. We have actually asked mentors if their mentee were ready to
> continue autonomously. Why? Simply because, as I told you and you
> apparently refuse to understand, mentoring and MOTUship are not linked one
> to the other.

OK.  Then I guess I don't understand the point.

How many people that were involved in the program as mentees later became 
MOTUs?  Are there any other than you?

> This wiki page and the underlining links do explain pretty well what the
> actual mentoring program is about:
> If there is a number that I can give you is that the demand on mentoring is
> far higher than the availability of mentors.
> Cesare

Scott K

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