MOTU Council changes

Soren Hansen soren at
Sat Nov 10 15:28:06 GMT 2007

On Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 08:25:35PM +0100, Stefan Potyra wrote:
> > I'm very pleased to announce that Søren Hansen and Michael Bienia
> > were confirmed in their new posts as MC members by the Ubuntu
> > Developers.  They both bring in a wealth of Ubuntu development
> > experience and will from now on take on another role to help to keep
> > the MOTU team in shape.
> >
> >
> >
> Welcome Søren and Michael! Maybe you could write a short introduction
> about you?

Sure thing!

My name is Søren Lerfors Hansen, I'm 26 years old and since late May,
I've worked for Canonical on the Ubuntu server team. I've been involved
in Ubuntu developement since breezy, been a MOTU for slightly less than
a year, IIRC, and recently turned core-dev, too.

I'm looking forward to helping the MOTU community grow and make it a
friendly, interesting, and inspirational environment.

We have a few interesting challenges ahead. Universe is a big place, and
like any software, there are bugs in it. As our user base continues to
grow, the needs and requirements will continue to rise, and to meet this
growing demand for quality, we'll need to keep an eye on processes and
efficiency. We need more developers to help out and we should make it as
easy as possible for skilled people to get into the game.

However, as teams grow the chance/risk of friction also rises as people
are different and with more people, it's more likely to have a set of
people who work very poorly together. We should make an effort to
identify these issues and handle them in a way that is acceptable for
the project, the community, and the individuals involved.
Let's make the Ubuntu universe rock!

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Server Team
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