postgrey broken in gutsy

Cyber Dog cyberdog3k at
Thu Nov 8 19:52:59 GMT 2007

On 11/5/07, dAniel hAhler <ubuntu+lists at> wrote:
> Cyber Dog wrote:
> > Now, unfortunately, reclassifying the bug seems to have equally failed
> > at getting it any attention.  I've gotten several "me too" updates
> > over the past couple weeks, but no updates from developers.  It
> > appears most users are resorting to mixing Debian packages into their
> > systems to resolve this issue.  I find it hard to believe that
> > importing an existing Debian patch could be so complicated for the
> > maintainers to do, but then again I'm not involved in the process
> > either.  The bottom line is, this bug seems to be fairly popular, and
> > rather severe, but apparently we still haven't gotten the attention of
> > the right people.  Ideas?
> I've looked into it, triaged the bugs around it (it affects subversion,
> too), documented the ways to reproduce the bugs and attached patches for
> hardy and gutsy-proposed.
> See
> Unfortunately, quite a lot of programs depend on libdb4.4 (and other
> packages from db4.4), which I have not tested/looked into (see
> "apt-cache rdepends libdb4.4").
> I've documented everything I've found out at the above bug, you may want
> to test the patch (see
> for
> building fixed packages yourself).
> Hope this helps. I'm not really sure about the fix, but it reverts
> something from 8.1ubuntu2 - and the bug in Debian did something similar
> from 8.1 to 9 - and reverted it in version 10 (IIRC).

Thanks for taking up this issue!  I've tested your ppa build, and all
the results seem good thus far... postgrey is finally stable, and I've
noted no new problems.  Hopefully this fix can get approved for

> --

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